Happy New Year Guys!!! It's the Brand New Year again and it is a special gift for us to start all over re-branding the old 'ME' to the new 'ME' !!
So tell me what is your new year resolution? Do you want to make it obvious to the world or is it something that you would want to achieve, be silent and let the success makes the noise instead? Well, its your own choice! Either one of it will definitely get you to the point where you want to be, if you were to put your heart and soul into it! I promise you!
Recently I've came across an article that mentioned if your resolution includes your goals, it is way better for you to keep it to yourself and do not let others know about it. Let the world know about it instead once you have achieve the goals! There will be a small group of people out there, [ I repeat, perhaps a minor group of people out there ] who will not like those amazing goals that you have set for yourself and will try to bring you down; thus, write it down in your Planner or Diary and work towards it...
Basically, if you were to track back your previous Resolutions, if it is something that you were not able to fulfill, it is a perfect opportunity to give yourself another chance to stick with it and make it happen... Sit down on your couch and prepare a list of all those important lifestyle that you want to change, perhaps do more workout, more running or walking at the park.. or more weight lifting programs or any sort of dancing classes such as zumba and etc..
It's very common to hear from every other person that one of their new year resolution is to loose weight..but the most important thing of all is the consistency in maintaining the daily habits towards the particular goal in losing weight.. to be honest I use to have that as one of target that I would love to achieve by end of this year, this month and etc, however knowing me, I have a sweet tooth thus I could not resist chocolates and cupcakes especially brownies!
One of the most important thing that I will like to stress here is to keep your goals very close to you and stop procrastinating... stop doing that..just don't do that..as that is actually the biggest barrier that keep most people to reach their goals... For an example, instead of working hard towards it we tend to chill and relax and say 'later'... When you say 'later' it will never happen; TRUST ME! We really have to put in a lot of work to change this as this is God Damn bad habit and it will eat our goals up and we will end up being not able to achieve our resolution...
So are we ready to rock this 2018????
Miss Coffee Fix