Being productive helps you to evolve, be more energetic and know exactly what you need to do. It teaches you to continuously push yourself to do all the things you have in your checklist!
The more productive you are, the easier it is to evolve into a better self.
There aren’t enough hours in the day to allow us to meet all of the demands we have, so by being more productive with the time we have, we can do more stuff.
Here's some hacks that can help you stay productive!
1) Wake up 2 hours earlier.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
It can be the hardest task to do, but you will be thankful on the things you're able to accomplish in the beginning of the day.
It is one of the secrets to success by most of the successful people around the world.
Plus, when you wake up when the rest are sleeping, your body is reminding you that you're the leader!
2) Do the most important thing in the morning.
We often don't spend much of our time defining the thing that's most important for us.
We spend more time reacting to the day and do things that we are not able to achieve. By end of the day, we will be drained out, overwhelmed, upset, and we won't even touch what was the important tasks that needs more attention.
Hence, it is always important to start the day with the huge biggest task that's on the top priority list.
3) Focus on your progress, not just the outcome.
I can't stress enough on how important it is for you to set your goals first before you start anything else.
However bear in mind, the action you take to reach the goals - is very crucial!
Track your progress and what you do daily is very important as it will get you closer to your goals.
4) Stop complaining about not having enough time.
There is no such thing as a lack of time, only a lack of priorities.
In general, 80 percent of an outcome is derived from just 20 percent of the input or effort. This rule is most often referenced to and utilized in business settings. You can also apply this in any situation.
5) Take time to plan and prioritize.
We usually will be overwhelmed on all the things that needs to be done in a day. But the truth is, we can't fill up 20 to-do-list!
You might say - everything is important for me - stop stressing yourself out.
Learning how to prioritize means getting more out of the limited time you have each day.
Once you know how to properly prioritize, it can help with everything from your time management to work life balance.
6) Focus on minutes, not hours.
Time is valuable. You can never get it back. So the most successful people focus on minutes.
The first 90 minutes can make or break the rest of your day.
The first 90-minute routine can help you start and maintain a more meaningful, successful and productive days.
To make the most of your energy for the rest of the day, you can use the 90-minute technique: work in 90 minutes sprints and then rest for 20–30 minutes.
Try it!
7) Avoid multitasking.
I get it - multitasking is the "go-to" when you sit for any interview and you need to master that skill if you are working.
We are not talking about not being able to multitask when it is needed.
But it is more to when you are performing one task - stay focus and avoid any distraction that can stop you from being productive.
Try time blocking - it is the practice of allocating a specific period of time to a specific task.
8) Set daily routines.
When we have a routine that we follow daily, it reduces the need to make decisions each day.
You're much more likely to check things off your to-do list
It enables us to know exactly what tasks we need to do each day without having to contemplate, decide or think too much.
By having a schedule, and thus some structure, makes productivity that much more likely.
When we are finished with one task, we know what comes next without much thought.
9) Let go of imperfections and things that will not work.
It is totally okay to be imperfect in what you do. Nobody is perfect - remember this.
Thus, to avoid this is not to set your expectations high but work on how you can improvise your area of expertise daily.
Frustration only happen when you hang on to the things you can control.
Take it easy!
10) Leave some free time in your schedule.
Always schedule free time for yourself. This is the time where you can relax, drink coffee or read books.
Adding blocks of free time to your schedule ensures that you actually make time to relax, unwind and enjoy life.
If you don’t block hours of free time, you run the risk of filling your spare hours with endless tasks, or wasting the time on things you have little interest in.
Hope this hacks can help you in staying productive :)