True and don't you agree with me?
We do not need permission in everything we want to do in our life, career and goals.
YOU don't need permission to be yourself!
There's no need for us to act differently, out of the way to satisfy another person's need. We do not need to have that kind of approval in our life.
We are allowed to determine the meaning of powerful and be empowered in our own terms without seeking approval or satisfaction from another party.
I personally feel weird and sad when I meet young girls that are declaring that they need to ask their boyfriend's permission to do something that they really love doing. Seriously?
First of all, you are not married! Stop doing this and love yourself first before loving another person.
Let's start being proactive and brave to voice our opinions or even suggesting ideas. Don't be a passenger and be a driver especially when an opportunity is given to you. Woman who does not require any validation from anyone is the most feared individual in this planet!
So let's remember this;
You Are Responsible For Your Own Happiness!
Lots of Love,
Miss Coffee Fix