Everyone of us are going through some battles in our life daily or even weekly and monthly.
It can be anything.
Staying positive and motivated does not mean that things will be okay for us. It means that we are OK no matter what happens around us and that we are not easily influenced by any sort of negativity.
It is how you keep your thoughts straight and positive; train your mind and body to be motivated to what you really want.

Here's some tips on how I stay positive and motivated (since I have received various feedback from friends and family on how I stay positive all the time)
p/s: Please be reminded, I obviously have been through certain circumstances in the past or maybe even now; where I stumbled upon the negative "vibe"; and I admit I can flip my switch to the negative side; but I've learnt that I gotta flip it back as fast as I can and focus on positive aspects rather then being a loser and stay negative :)
So here you go :)
1) Be Hungry For Your Goals!
Yes!! Absolutely!!
Let me ask you; do you write your goals yearly at your work place? You know the one you write either online or in a piece of paper and submit to the management in order for them to evaluate your progress and performance - - in return you will be entitled for a certain amount of increment or promotion.
If you are able to do it for the job than there's no reason for you not to do it for your own life.

Be realistic and hungry at the same time in achieving your life goals.
Without life goal setting, your life is going to be meaningless, no direction and you are so clueless on what is your main aim in life, pointless and unfocused.
Try being very firm and serious with your goals, your dreams, and make it as exciting as it can be that will motivate you daily! It is suppose to be something that can keep you going and going no matter how hard you;re being hit.
This will eventually inspire you in doing what you doing daily to get to what you want. It can be as simple as buying a house, renting that awesome dress for your annual dinner, bringing your parents for holiday, keeping a savings up to certain amount by end of each month, going for a trip, spending your friends, accompanying your kids to the most exciting team-park, and the list goes on.
Draft out your goals NOW in your planner; if you do not have a planner - it is high time for you to get one! Make sure you see it everyday to remind yourself that you are one step closer to the goals!
Paste it on a sticky notes in your planner; or put a reminder in your phone or calendar at the beginning of each month stating the goals that you need to achieve in that month.
Write down your goals everyday - guys this really works! Try it. You don't necessarily need to create a planner or a journal to do this, you can even mark notes in your phone and do it whenever you have that 5 minute break.

Remember, your life goals are very important. It is something that you carry forever with you. It is something that will inspire you to be the best version of yourself!
2) Spread Positive Vibes!
This is my most favorite part; to spread positive vibes. The world seriously need more people like us to spread positive vibes and it is the most important element of all. One thing to note; the more you give out; the more you'll get it.
The more positive you spread, the more positive vibes you will get in return from the universe.

Yes exactly!
The smallest thing you do for others will significantly improve the way you carry out yourself.
There's so many way for you to spread positive vibes.
You can start by sending out beautiful positive quotes every morning to your circle of friends. Do you know how it can really impact the other person's lives? They might have been goign through rough and tough ride and your message can make their day. Not only that, it can boost up your own energy level to be the best person that you can ever imagine.
The world is full of people sharing all sort of negative or irrelevant news over social media. Be the change that can improve your life and fill up the emptiness in another person's life.
It can also be as easy as making someone happy in the morning by greeting them through your high pitch and saying "hey, good morning!". It can be as simple as sharing positive quotes via whatsapp or instagram status and creating a sense of good vibes throughout the day. Share your quotes and pin it in your folder :)
It does not take much for one to be kind to another. Let's be kind and speak kind words. Trust me, the universe will return the favor to you :)
Say "Hi" to the your colleagues and give them a smile when you walk pass by. Smiling is contagious and it feels really good to do so :) Everyone wants to be acknowledged and accepted - so do you - so why not you start making the move and say hello, create positive vibes and you will change every bad thing to good ones!!! Of course not to those scary strangers :)

3) Exercise, Work Out; Move your Body!
I am not able to stress anymore further on this point and the importance in having it in our daily schedule. If you recall on my previous posts on habits of successful people, they really spend a portion of their daily hours to work out or at least to do yoga or some meditations.
Here where I live, in Malaysia, yoga is not so famous but of course it is practiced by high vibe individuals. I do wish I can do yoga everyday, to be able to stretch everyday but I really think I need to spend some time learning it at first; because I've tried following those "yoga for beginners" videos and I must have done it wrongly, that I had injured my spine and lower back.
But I can tell you one thing, it really stretches out all those stiff points in your body; and having said that I have encountered the injuries it has proven 100% that I am not stretching enough - that all my muscles and tissues are super stiff.

In today's lifestyle, we're prone to give so much of excuses rather than trying to do something really beneficial for our mind, body and health. This includes any fitness activities. And we are so used to complaining about all the diseases, aches, and the fatigue feelings that we face all the time.
Well, if you are not doing anything about it NOW, than I am really sorry to say this - you are going to suffer forever. Change starts from you. If you love yourself enough, you will make a change, and any small steps make big difference in anything you do. You just need to start to do it NOW, not procrastinate and keep delaying it. That's for losers.
And when I say, work out and move your body, it does not necessarily mean you need to hit the gym, or pay those expensive membership subscription monthly or to hire a personal trainer and etc. You just need to go out, get some fresh air; even walking can be considered as moving your body. Don't just sit around and do everything at one place without moving your ass (if you know what I mean).

Proceed to do all the stretches once you're awake in the morning if you really don't have the time (as in you are super busy, busier than the Prime Minister) - just kidding.
I mean jokes aside, proceed to do those simple stretches; you can even do it on your bed, instead of watching unnecessary videos in the morning; opt for YouTube videos that can teach you for to stretch (for beginners) OR search for sites that will teach you how you workout from home by doing those small simple steps. (jumping jacks are a form of exercise you know)
You might also thing or have a feeling that you are exercising and you are not losing any weight, and your friends or colleagues are going to tell you that there's no point doing it as you are not losing any weight.
Let me ask you this. Are you expecting miracles to happen to your weight in one night or when you do that one miserable workout? Let's be fair to your body. Do it consistently for 3 months, watch your diet, drink 5 to 6 litres of water daily, consume healthy supplements and you will see the result alright :)
On top of that, the most important part why working out is very important in staying positive is due to the fact that it releases 2 types of hormones that will boost the "happy pill receptors" in your body to make you feel more energetic and extra positive. In fact, you will have the feeling of you are able to conquer the world! (not exaggerating! but that's how I feel - - more to feeling more confident in doing what I want the whole day).
2 types of hormones will be released when you work out. Cortisol and endorphins. I'm pretty sure you've heard about endorphins.
Endorphins are released by the 2 most common factors which is stress and pain. So when you're working out, your body automatically releases these endorphins which means, you will have less stress and pain feelings in your body. This is the most simplest way I can explain on the production of the endorphins. So eventually, the process leads to you indirectly having tones of positive, pleasure, good feeling all over you and this is all that we need to run our good vibes around.
Cortisol on the other hand, is commonly knows as "stress hormone" as it is very closely connected to stress response in our body. So when you work out, it will reduce the stress level in your body (cortisol level). Which is extremely good. And now you know why people who work out are often not bothered to be negative all the time??
By practicing and inducing exercise and fitness activity in your routine, it definitely will improve your life and eventually make you more positive :) Try it and let me know how it turn out!

4) Be Assertive
Firstly, I want to make sure that you really understand the meaning of being assertive. Like literally. No joke.
Being assertive is a job, a task that you need to carry with yourself in order for you to be extra confident and portraying a very forceful personality - to yourself by being the best version of yourself. You don't necessarily need to prove that you are fantastic to the people around you; BUT ONLY YOU! Love yourself enough, appreciate who you are and embrace every single thing about you.
Because there's no one else like you in this world. ONLY YOU.

You should be able to express yourself and your rights in a manner that will not violate the rights of others. Everytime you wake up in the morning, look into the mirror and say things like:
I am beautiful
I am awesome
I am fabulous
I can conquer anything I want today
I am super energetic and positive
I appreciate myself more than anything
I am lovable
The above are some of the assertive phrases that you can say to yourself to be super-inspiring and motivated to hit the rest of the day. Write down in a piece of paper if you have to. Note down these points everyday in your phone. Draft it and place it as your wallpaper so that you can look at it all the time. Trust me, it works effectively in increasing your positive level daily!
Try to avoid saying things like "I don't think so I can do this".
Always say "Yes, bring it on"; "I can do this".
This practice will make you feel less afraid or better - not afraid at all to speak your mind effortlessly in a positive manner. Please be aware of the fact that you are worthy person of your own unique gifts. You need to know what you stand for and what you won't stand for. I write down assertive points or quotes in my weekly planner review so that I can have a look at it daily and I am aware of what I am capable of.
Being assertive is focusing on your goals!
Being assertive is being self-aware!
Being assertive is being true to yourself!
Being assertive is building self-esteem!
Being assertive is nurturing yourself!
It just simply means, in a nutshell; being positive to yourself and to the people around you :)
5) Get up and look your best everyday!

It does not one to wear an expensive, rich-looking outfit to look good!
But what is the most important aspect here is; the effort!
The effort that you put to look good daily, to look your best even though it is the worse day in your life.
Do remember, what you do everyday; it does not matter if it is a job that is associated to an organisation or if you are hustling your own business; you are required to look presentable, and tip top all the time. I am not saying to wear all the make-up you have in your drawer; but slay your best!
Look fresh, have a clean face (this literally means wash your face daily, scrub weekly, mask it fortnightly if you have to) - you need to pamper yourself to look awesome! Wear that nice presentable outfit, put on your best piece of earring or any jewelry to match your outfit, glasses if you want to style up your look, nice decent pair of shoes - when you're about to roll your day.
Please... do not step in your work place or business organisation or even when you meet your clients, with that sore eyes, sleepy looking face - it just show how you are not loving and appreciating yourself. How are you going to expect good result?
Love yourself !!! Show up the best!
Even for those of you who are working from home - there is no reason for you to work at home in pajamas all day; OK I understand it is really tempting to be very comfortable and run the errands around your house in it; but what if you have to head to the shop to grab something; isn't going to take more time to get ready? Why don't start fresh, prepare yourself good enough to start your day - even at your own comfort zone :) It feels good, you will feel more positive and motivated to do the rest of your chores :)
Try it!!

Miss Coffee Fix