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Writer's pictureMiss Coffee Fix

How To Stick To Your Goals!

Are you someone who struggle to achieve your goals (YEARLY) especially during New Year Resolution - you will have tones of ideas popping in and out of your brain and you always feel super energized in the beginning of the year - to write your goals.

But towards the end of the year - you will end up asking yourself:

1) Sorry, what was my Resolution again?

2) Shoot - I had this goals? I never knew it.

3) It is OK, I will make it my Resolution for next year ( and the year after and after ) and the dreams never came true (or it is always getting postponed...)

I know that it's like half year passed on like a storm behind you; but it is never too late to start one!

Here's some hacks to stick to your goals :) Enjoy!

1) Set Realistic Goals.

It's quite tempting to write big goals and all the things we really want to achieve in one year.

But you got to give it a break - give yourself a break and know that you can only digest small efforts if you want to win big.

First rule of setting up realistic goals is to follow the SMART technique which is sustainable, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely oriented.

Be as specific as you can as this will make your goals achievable than just pure vague.

For an example, it is not enough and too heavy if your goal is to earn 100K this year. Try to write it as you want to earn 100K by getting profit of 10K a month - doing sales and meeting clients every week, getting feedback and further leads or recommendation from them, as well as to have a consistent repeated sales in 2019. (Note that this way, it is realistic and achievable because you're looking at a specific goals and what you need to do to achieve it).

This way you will be more determined in placing your time and effort in making a realistic.

Additionally, making realistic goals will help you focus more stay on track with the progress.

2) Break down your goals.

Seriously, this is very crucial in determining if you are able to stay on track (again).

You can have one major goal, but divide it into few smaller portions and spread it across a specific time-frame.

For an example if you want to loose 10kg this year; your goal is great but it will easier to achieve if you break it into smaller chunks. Let say, you loose 1 kg a month (which means, you need to determined to hit the gym at least 4 times in a week and perhaps watch your eating habit) - Isn't this much easier?

Okay let's go back to the first example in point number 1 - to achieve a sales target of 10K a month.

Break this down on a weekly basis - this is to show you how realistic your goals are. So this means, on a weekly basis, your sales need to hit 2K. If you are selling products (maybe one product cost you 400 - this means you got to sell 5 products in a week).

There you go! Now you can calculate on your own!

3) Avoid eliminating; but replace instead!

When think about setting up goals, it is usually a to make a difference or to change something bad to something good - compare to what we were in the previous year.

The hard part here is not stating it - but to actually do it!

For an example, your goal is to quit smoking or drinking or eating junk food - let say.

If you are going to eliminate these habit in total and stop practicing what you have practiced for God knows how long, high chances are you are not going succeed in it and fall back to the old habit.

So what you can do is - and the best thing TO DO is - to replace it with another habit.

Let say you want to quit smoking - replace it by eating sunflower seeds or sniffing lavender oil or chewing gum. Try asking those who has quit smoking and what they did to overcome the desire in going back to the habit.

Now, say you want to stop eating junk food. This is not easy at all - among all (haha).

Instead of eliminating it, replace that habit with another habit - let say choose healthy snack-bars, or vegan chips, or munch on fruits/dates/nuts instead!

Remember that you need to substitute one habit with another = and give yourself sometime to get use to it. But do it consistently.

4) Track Your Goals ~~ Measure It Often!

You will be frustrated if you don't get instant results - isn't this correct?

But you got to understand that not everything is instant - some of it takes time. And the most important part in securing your end result is by tracking your progress consistently.

Sometimes you will be able to see the change slowly and you will eventually get there.

When you start tracking your progress (it doesn't matter how small it is) you will start to appreciate your own effort and feel grateful with your accomplishments. You will be more motivated to continue doing it until you get to the end result!

Keep a practice of journal-ling your progress either in your phone/ notes or even your personal diary.

Other methods include using sticky notes and positioning it at a place that you are able to see everyday (your bedroom, fridge, study area, car dashboard, etc).

Also you can include checkbox (my favorite) at the side of each mini progress and trust me, the feeling of marking it is really awesome!

5) Find an accountable pillar!

So what I meant by this is it can be either a mentor, a friend, your partner, family members or even online group communities.

Why you need this is because everyone need some kind of support or push motivation to get you in achieving your goals. We need that kind of encouragement that will hold us accountable and responsible in what we do.

This will eventually make you be responsible in committing to your goals every single day.

For an example, you want to be a high income earner or an established entrepreneur - make sure you speak to business group members or join an entrepreneurial organization.

Or if you want to be an online coach for healthcare - do your research on the Facebook groups that allow you to learn and be around existing online coaches who will push you to do better everyday.

If you want to be an author - speak to those who have publish or wrote a book - you find many of them in LinkedIn or other social media platforms.

If you want to loose weight (famous one!) - please get one friend or group of friends and schedule with them a timing that all of you can hit to the gym at the same time - this will motivate you guys!


Miss Coffee Fix.

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